What a way to end our fall demo season! We enjoyed a lovely day at St. Albans in D.C., where several teachers at the school had designed their early fall curriculum around something related to blacksmithing, (i.e. Adam Smith, the importance of metal and forging to world civilizations, Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, the industrialization of Europe, etc…) and asked us to teach and demonstrate to those various topics.
We have met thousands and thousands of interesting people while demo’ing for four+ years, but we’ve never had a demo start with student-written odes to metallurgy!
In addition, all the students and teachers got the opportunity to make (and take!) a colonial-style nail.
It was just the sort of demo that Jeff and I love to do, and we are very thankful for the opportunity to work with St. Albans. Also, we’d like to thank the members of the football team and other student athletes for helping us load our equipment afterwards!